
Adama Eco Village

Music & Singing Circles

InI Consciousness is our way to live in a Constant State of mind of Creation.
Medicine Music & Prayers for Harmony with the Earth, Our Ancestors , the Elements and all Life.
May the Great spirit Bless us all in our journey of sharing love, music and healing Vibrations

“Corazon Del Fuego”

“Oh Niguni”



“Ah Yum”

For us music is the way to pray!
Music is a universal sacred language.
It is one of our central tools to elevate the frequency,
to synchronize with higher consciousness, open our hearts, and unify.
A symphony of souls passing a message of peace and wisdom.
Creating healing vibrations as our voices come together.

Melodies weave through the air
removing all layers.
Healing with harmonies
Connecting us to the Divine

In this refuge of artists, we find solace,
Using songs as vessels to pass sacred knowledge
Voices united, our intentions align.

In ADAMA, music is our guiding force,
A powerful tool, an endless source.
As we join our voices through its rhythms and melodies, we find
a path to oneness , sending blessings to all living souls.


“Venho La Da Floresta”


“Opening Prayers”


“I found my joy”

“Kande vo yo yo”

“Ima Adama”

“Heal this world”

“Mitakuye Oyasin”


“The water blessing song”